Stripboekenserie: 3086. Smurfen
Stripboekenreeks: 15. Smurfs Anthology
Titel stripboek: 4. Volume 4
Peyo /Peyo :   U1, V18-V20, V20-V30, V34, V37-V52, V54-V61, V61-V62, V62-V64, V67-V76, V76-V89, V110-V111, V120, V123, V126-V127, V129, V147, V194
Peyo /Peyo , Roland Goossens :   V12
Uitgever:B Papercutz
Jaar van uitgifte: 15
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781629911724
Taal: Engels
Uri: koi5fl
Inhoud stripboek:
1 V18 32 Smurfs - The Apprentice Smurf
2 V12 8 Smurfs - Smurfevallen
3 V38 1 Smurfs - What is smurfing on 10
4 V42 1 Smurfs - Blamed millions of billions of smurfs 48
5 V43 1 Smurfs - All right Shoo Get Smurf away 49
6 V39 1 Smurfs - Hey A letter Who could have 11
7 V25 1 Smurfs - She loves me a little 12
8 V29 1 Smurfs - Ah I'm going to smurf 24
9 V41 1 Smurfs - Who's there Smurf in 56
10 V44 1 Smurfs - Yes Papa Smurf I think 30
11 V45 1 Smurfs - Uh say Smurfette am I the 31
12 V40 1 Smurfs - I beg you Smurfette yoy'd 13
13 V48 1 Smurfs - You can't smurf in the way of progress 1
14 V19 1 Smurfs - The (w)hole kit and smurfboodle 2
15 V20 1 Smurfs - Sourpuss 3
16 V49 1 Smurfs - Work's good for your health; Smurfing nothing will help you keep it 4
17 V21 1 Smurfs - At night, all Smurfs are blue 5
18 V23 1 Smurfs - Slow and steady wins the smurf 7
19 V22 1 Smurfs - It's the Smurf's foot that one can see the smurf 6
20 V30 1 Smurfs - There's a chill in the smurf 8
21 V24 1 Smurfs - When construction's smurfing, everything's smurfing 9
22 V27 1 Smurfs - Practice makes smurfect 14
23 V26 1 Smurfs - Music hardens the smurfs 15
24 V37 1 Smurfs - You can recognize the three by its smurfs 17
25 V46 1 Smurfs - Where there's smoke, there's smurf 19
26 V28 1 Smurfs - Poet, take up your smurf 16
27 V34 1 Smurfs - Master Smurf was smurfing in a tree 23
28 V47 1 Smurfs - Gathering dead leaves poesmurfically 26
29 V69 1 Smurfs - Careful, the little smurf will come out 28
30 V50 1 Smurfs - Exhaling isn't smurfing 32
31 V51 1 Smurfs - Bubbles doesn't make the smurf 33
32 V52 1 Smurfs - By smurfing the smurf of a smurf, you lose your detergent 34
33 V60 1 Smurfs - If they're hot enough, they're smurf enough 35
34 V64 1 Smurfs - Life smurfs on 36
35 V58 1 Smurfs - Better a woodpile than smurfing bad 37
36 V55 1 Smurfs - Santa's coming down the smurf 38
37 V56 1 Smurfs - Happy smurf year! 39
38 V57 1 Smurfs - The king is smurf, long live the king! 40
39 V54 1 Smurfs - Charity begins at smurf 41
40 V59 1 Smurfs - Be smurf to animals 42
41 V70 1 Smurfs - Small gifts mainsmurf friendship 43
42 V68 1 Smurfs - Out of the mouths of smurfs 45
43 V67 1 Smurfs - That'll smurf us some paint on the board 46
44 V62 1 Smurfs - One grinder never smurfs alone 47
45 V61 1 Smurfs - It always smurfs to say goodbye 50
46 V71 1 Smurfs - Don't smurf your luck! 54
47 V72 1 Smurfs - The flower that you smurfed at me 55
48 V73 1 Smurfs - Enlightenment smurfs from the collision of ideas 59
49 V74 1 Smurfs - After that, you can smurf the ladder 60
50 V75 1 Smurfs - The more you smurf, the more you want 61
51 V76 1 Smurfs - It smurfs in my heart like it rains in the smurf 62
52 V77 1 Smurfs - Ne'er cast a smurf till may be out 64
53 V78 1 Smurfs - I think, therefore I smurf 65
54 V79 1 Smurfs - Nothing smurf under the sun 66
55 V80 1 Smurfs - What a difference a smurf makes 67
56 V81 1 Smurfs - Hunger justsmurfs the means 68
57 V82 1 Smurfs - If the smurf moves you 69
58 V85 1 Smurfs - A mirror for each smurf and each smurf in his mirror 73
59 V83 1 Smurfs - Little by little, the smurf makes his nest 70
60 V86 1 Smurfs - Bad luck comes in smurfs 75
61 V89 1 Smurfs - Gone with the smurf 78
62 V87 1 Smurfs - You have to know how to smurf to be handsome 76
63 V88 1 Smurfs - In smurfo veritas 77
64 V84 1 Smurfs - The smurfiest horizon is always the best 71
65 V20 60 Johan and Peewit - Maltrochu's spell
66 V61 1/2 Pussycat - The sleepwalker 14
67 V62 1/2 Pussycat - A skillfull preparation 15
68 V194 1/2 Pussycat - A scooter for Petey and nice 16
69 V110 1/2 Pussycat - An incriminating puddle 17
70 V147 1 Pussycat - Winter sports 117
71 V123 1/2 Pussycat - Aquarium Room 10 Splash Catfish 19
72 V120 1/2 Pussycat - The baby's bottle 20
73 V127 1/2 Pussycat - Might is right 21
74 V126 1/2 Pussycat - Petty theft 22
75 V63 1/2 Pussycat - A peaceful coexistence 23
76 V76 1/2 Pussycat - The old record player 24
77 U1 1/2 Pussycat - The photographer at the castle 25
78 V111 1/2 Pussycat - Sproing 26
79 V129 1/2 Pussycat - O my gosh That's Pussycat 27