Alle stripverhalen van John Gillatt verschenen in het stripblad Eagle

Datum Vn Serie Titel L Nr. Creators
04-85 V80 Wondersloffen van Sjakie Gooalll Dead-Shots done it again 51 5/12 John Gillatt (t), Fred Baker (s)
08-85 V81 Wondersloffen van Sjakie Get up you lazy oaf 53 John Gillatt (t), Fred Baker (s)
12-85 V82 Wondersloffen van Sjakie Who is it What's the 56 2/3 John Gillatt (t), Fred Baker (s)
01-88 V118 Daan Durf The disaster struck without warning 144 John Gillatt (t), Tom Tully (s)