Alle stripverhalen van David Pugh verschenen in het stripblad Eagle

Datum Vn Serie Titel L Nr. Creators
04-90 V131 Daan Durf The ship glides noiselessly through 24 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)
07-90 V134 Daan Durf Earth's outer defence network in 24 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)
10-90 V136 Daan Durf Her motors are almost soundless 32 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)
01-91 V143 Daan Durf By the 21st century nomadic 22 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)
06-91 V145 Daan Durf By the 21st century settlers 45 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)
09-92 V148 Daan Durf Dig situation report Everything okay 53 David Pugh (t), Tom Tully (s)