Alle stripverhalen van Don Lawrence verschenen in het stripblad Look and Learn

Datum Vn Serie Titel L Nr. Creators Anderen
06-66 V5 Trigie Fortunately for the people 9 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) R:66-38
08-66 V6 Trigie Trigo the ruler of Trigan 7 1/2 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:69-18
09-66 V7 Trigie The revolt of the Lokans! 23 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:69-21
12-66 V8 Trigie Under the rule of her 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:69-52
02-67 V9 Trigie On the 700th day of 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:70-9
04-67 V10 Trigie Early one moring an atmoshere craft 12 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:70-18
05-67 V11 Trigie It was the anniversary of 21 1/2 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:70-24
08-67 V12 Trigie Driven far from its 14 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:70-35
09-67 V13 Trigie A short distance from the 38 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:70-42
02-68 V14 Trigie The twin suns of Elektron 29 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:71-9
05-68 V15 Trigie In the fourth month of 60 1/2 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:71-24
12-68 V16 Trigie In the third year of Zemm 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:72-2
02-69 V17 Trigie One of the great sight 24 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:72-10
07-69 V19 Trigie Dominating one the six hills 14 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:72-30
08-69 V20 Trigie On a hill above Trigan city 10 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:72-37
10-69 V21 Trigie In the month of Yuss 26 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:72-42
01-70 V22 Trigie The red death 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:73-3
03-70 V23 Trigie The beginning of this episode 28 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:73-12
06-70 V24 Trigie It was in the eighteenth 45 2/3 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:73-28
11-70 V25 Trigie All that happened during the 24 1/3 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:73-51
02-71 V26 Trigie The Trigan Imperial Guard was 13 3/4 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-10
03-71 V27 Trigie All that happend in the eight 16 1/4 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-17
05-71 V28 Trigie On the pleasant hills overlooking 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-25
07-71 V29 Trigie One day while practising low-flying 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-33
09-71 V30 Trigie In the fourth Lunar month 21 7/9 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-39
12-71 V31 Trigie All that happenend in the year 20 2/9 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-45
02-72 V32 Trigie The rarest and most valuable 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:74-50
05-72 V34 Trigie The second year of Vemi 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:75-6
07-72 V35 Trigie Each anniversary of the founding 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:75-10
09-72 V36 Trigie In the second year of Ziss 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:75-15
12-72 V37 Trigie By the third year of Ziss 22 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:75-24
02-73 V38 Trigie Atomic disaster 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SW:75-34
04-73 V39 Trigie The secret of castle Doum 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:75-1
06-73 V40 Trigie The dawn of the fourth 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:75-10
08-73 V41 Trigie The empire grew in greatness 10 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-6
09-73 V42 Trigie The palace of peril 4 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SSE:88-7
10-73 V43 Trigie On the morning of the 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-11
12-73 V44 Trigie The spectacular disaster that was 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-19
04-75 V53 Trigie The new Air-Fleet carrier Trigan Hero 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-28
06-75 V54 Trigie It seemed that all Trigan City 20 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:77-1
08-75 V55 Trigie Fate had indeed smiled upon Janno 18 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-37
10-75 V56 Trigie Janno was on holiday enjoying 12 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SSE:90-20
11-75 V57 Trigie All Elekton was tuned-in to 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) EPPO:76-46
01-76 V58 Trigie The blind beggar Uruz had 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SJE:96-12
03-76 V59 Trigie Long after the founding of 16 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) SSE:92-18
05-76 V60 Trigie The advance science and technology 10 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s)  
08-78 V17 Trigie One of the grat sights 24 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) 69-371
10-80 V5 Trigie An atomosphere craft of the 14 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) R:66-38
11-80 V43 Trigie On the morining of the 12 Don Lawrence (t), Mike Butterworth (s) 73-613